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LPC1768 and CMSIS I2C Support


In Keil MDK uVision environment, I'm programming an I2C Interface between LPC1768 controller and a 4 digit I2C 7 Segment display.

I'm using CMSIS Driver and device libraries for LPC1768 and I2C support. See screenshot below:

After building the project, I get the error: C:/Users/pbonn/AppData/Local/Arm/Packs/Keil/LPC1700_DFP/2.7.0/RTE_Driver/I2C_LPC17xx.c(82): error: "I2C not configured in RTE_Device.h!"

I have no idea whit is still missing in the setup of my project. What can/should I do to prevent this error?

Looking forward to you suggestions.