Sending massive packets to a closed UDP client


In my program, I established a full-duplex TCP communication with my PC via a router.

				 Socket.SCK = netTCP_GetSocket (tcp_cb_func);
						if (Socket.SCK >= 0) 
							netTCP_Listen (Socket.SCK , 5150);
							netTCP_SetOption (Socket.SCK , netTCP_OptionTimeout, 5)

The connection was functioning correctly. However, when a new client was added to the network switch and sent a 1K multicast packet to all connected devices, an unexpected issue arose. Although my program did not open any UDP sockets, the UDP event handler was an empty block, my program stopped working after some hours.  Should I do anything else that I wasn't aware of?

uint32_t udp_cb_func (int32_t socket, const  NET_ADDR *addr, const uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len) {
	return 0;