I am using keil with S32Kxx production based on "apnt 304"document.
As it mentioned in the document there is no problem using keil with S32K series :>>
but when I open an example in the Keil this message is appeared :>>
I add some more compiler through the project menu like compiler version 6.9 but the problem was not solved. The version of my keil is 5.38.
I do not know what I can do to solve this problem!
You are right.The problem was solved and I learn something new, but there is another problem that some header files are available and some are not.As I know I did not delete these files!...
I cannot replicate this - is it due to the space in "keil packs" in the path?
It is interesting too, ALL files are in "E:\....." drive and are not in "D\:..."drive at all.
It seems that some files are missed and are not available in the main file that I downloaded..
What is the value of the environment variable CMSIS_PACK_ROOT? Is it pointing to the D drive?