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Project migration from STM32CubeIDE to Keil

Hello everyone !

I have a project I first started developping on STM32CubeIDE and I would like to mrigrate it onto Keil now. Is it even possible ? I haven't found any documentation online. Only the other way around.

I used CubeMX to first setup the project but have changed everything since then. Therefore, I cannot reuse the .ioc file.

Thanks in advance for you answers !

  • Unfortunately that is a painful manual process.

    You can look into project files see which files you need, figure out any defines used, include paths, additional libraries, compiler settings and so on, and recreate the setup in the uVision.

  • Unfortunately that is a painful manual process.

    You can look into project files see which files you need, figure out any defines used, include paths, additional libraries, compiler settings and so on, and recreate the setup in the uVision.
