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ARM Juno Board

For educational purposes, we would like to buy a Cortex-A based development board with exposed ETM/CoreSight pinout. The only board I am aware of is ARM Juno R2 which has such capabilitiy. However, I can not even find anything about where I can buy a Juno R2 board. Is there any idea on how to buy a Juno R2 or if there is any other ARM Cortex-A profile devboards which comes with a ETM/CoreSight port?

  • Dear Ronan,

    Thank you for the answer. I am not familiar with the MPS3 FPGA platform. Does it come with a physical high speed trace port and can we have a Cortex-A core running in it while using a Coresight with a sink to an external device (e.g., DStream-PT)? I have a hypervisor which I would like to trace it with my Dstream-PT or my Segger JTrace and therefore need a platform which runs a Cortex-A with a CoreSight tracing functionality. Would MPS3 FPGA platform works for my need?

  • Dear Ronan,

    Thank you for the answer. I am not familiar with the MPS3 FPGA platform. Does it come with a physical high speed trace port and can we have a Cortex-A core running in it while using a Coresight with a sink to an external device (e.g., DStream-PT)? I have a hypervisor which I would like to trace it with my Dstream-PT or my Segger JTrace and therefore need a platform which runs a Cortex-A with a CoreSight tracing functionality. Would MPS3 FPGA platform works for my need?
