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"This host does not match the host ID in the license" using Ubuntu VM. DS IDE 2021.2 evaluation license


I raised a case by e-mailing the e-mail address mentioned in the error but no reply so far (it was only 3 hours ago). I guess they are busy so seeing if anyone here knows. (It's case 00409473).

I have downloaded Development Studio on my Linux VM.  I selected an eval license when DS started up. It complains that “This host does not match the host ID in the license”.

I don’t know what I could have done wrong – the only option was to tie it to the ethernet adapter so I selected that option. I have not even re-booted the VM.

Is it because it’s a VM? I’m using Oracle Virtual Box with Mint 20 which is Ubuntu based. I didn’t install as root because I don’t need the USB drivers. I have tried re-installing as root but that didn't help.

Looking at the link in the error message ( none of the reasons for the failure apply.

The full output from a “hello world” test in DS is as follows:

make all

Building file: ../src/test.cpp

Invoking: Arm C++ Compiler for Embedded 6

armclang --target=aarch64-arm-none-eabi -xc++ -fno-exceptions -O2 -MD -MP -c -o "src/test.o" "../src/test.cpp"

armclang: error: Failed to check out a license.

This host does not match the host ID in the license.

armclang: note:

Information about this error is available at:

General licensing information is available at:

If you need further help, provide this complete error report to your supplier or

- ARMLMD_LICENSE_FILE: '/home/peter/.arm/ds/licenses:/home/peter/.arm/ds/licenses:/home/peter/.arm/ds/licenses:/home/peter/.arm/ds/licenses:/home/peter/.arm/ds/licenses:/home/peter/.arm/ds/licenses:/home/peter/.arm/ds/licenses:/home/peter/.arm/ds/licenses:/home/peter/.arm/ds/licenses:/home/peter/.arm/ds/licenses'


- ARM_PRODUCT_DEF: '/opt/arm/developmentstudio-2021.2/sw/mappings/eval.elmap'



- Product location: /opt/arm/developmentstudio-2021.2/sw/mappings

- Toolchain location: /opt/arm/developmentstudio-2021.2/sw/ARMCompiler6.17/bin

- Selected tool variant: product

armclang: note:

 - Checkout feature: ds_suite_eval

- Feature version: 0.0202110

- Flex error code: -9

Product: Arm Development Studio Evaluation 2021.2

Component: Arm Compiler for Embedded 6.17

Tool: armclang [5e25bf00]





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