Debug configuration in Arm Development Studio v2023.1


I am working on TSoM Cyclone V development kit with Arm Development Studio v2023.1.
I have setup Debug configuration according to intel user guide.

Unfortunately, I am unable to establish connection and below error pops up after few secs of clicking "Debug"

I am sure that my PC detects JTAG interface via USB Blaster ||

I have tried the fix suggested in post Arm development studio 2024 error detected - Arm Development Studio forum - Support forums - Arm Community
It didn't help to fix the connection and same error pops up.
Restarting IDE also didn't help to fix the connection.

Is there anything am I missing in the debug configuration ?

Best Regards,

  • Hi again

    Those peripheral registers are memory-mapped, so the debugger must read from their memory locations to obtain their contents.

    "Unavailable" is shown in this case where the debugger tried to read memory from that address, but failed for some reason.

    There may be several different reasons why the debugger was unable to read those addresses, for example:
    the peripheral might be powered-down
    the peripheral might need to be explicitly enabled before use
    the peripheral might be disabled for the current processor mode or security state (e.g. some peripherals are only accessible in secure state)
    the peripheral might require a certain access width, e.g. 8-, 16- or 32-bit access
    the peripheral might not be at the address that the debugger thinks it is at

    I guess, for example, that gpio0_gpio_swporta_dr resides at either 0xFFC02900 or 0xFF708000, but maybe it is somewhere else.

    I suggest you check Intel's documentation to confirm its exact location and accessibility, then try in the Commands view commands like:

    output /x *0xFFC02900 # read using default access width

    output /x *(unsigned int *)0xFFC02900 # force a 32-bit read

    output /x &gpio0_gpio_swporta_dr # prints the address that the debugger knows

    output /x gpio0_gpio_swporta_dr # reads from that address

    Hope this helps


  • Hi again

    Those peripheral registers are memory-mapped, so the debugger must read from their memory locations to obtain their contents.

    "Unavailable" is shown in this case where the debugger tried to read memory from that address, but failed for some reason.

    There may be several different reasons why the debugger was unable to read those addresses, for example:
    the peripheral might be powered-down
    the peripheral might need to be explicitly enabled before use
    the peripheral might be disabled for the current processor mode or security state (e.g. some peripherals are only accessible in secure state)
    the peripheral might require a certain access width, e.g. 8-, 16- or 32-bit access
    the peripheral might not be at the address that the debugger thinks it is at

    I guess, for example, that gpio0_gpio_swporta_dr resides at either 0xFFC02900 or 0xFF708000, but maybe it is somewhere else.

    I suggest you check Intel's documentation to confirm its exact location and accessibility, then try in the Commands view commands like:

    output /x *0xFFC02900 # read using default access width

    output /x *(unsigned int *)0xFFC02900 # force a 32-bit read

    output /x &gpio0_gpio_swporta_dr # prints the address that the debugger knows

    output /x gpio0_gpio_swporta_dr # reads from that address

    Hope this helps


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