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ERROR(CMD16-TAD59-NAL63): ! Failed to load "helloWorld.axf"

Hi all,

I am working on Agilex-7 SoC Dev-Kit and currently I'm facing a problem while trying to debug a simple hello world app. The error is "ERROR(CMD16-TAD59-NAL63): ! Failed to load "helloWorld.axf" ! Download of 145.536 bytes to address EL3:0x0000000000008000 failed while writing block of 4.096 bytes to address EL3:0x0000000000008000"

Could you please help about that?

Best Regards,


  • Hi Stephen, 

    Thanks for your response. I am currently able to RW to peripherals. That is why I wanted to send a byte from Uart0. I configured its baud rate, parity, stop bit and fifos. Then, I tried to send data from uart but there occured a problem. In console it says "NCONT ERROR in ACK for access 0: ACK = 0x01" Since, I programmed my qspi flash with .jic file which contains .sof and .hex(First stage bootloader) that is why u-boot is writing something from uart0 to my terminal. I don't know what the problem here is. Do you have any idea about it?

    Best Regards,


  • Hi Stephen, 

    Thanks for your response. I am currently able to RW to peripherals. That is why I wanted to send a byte from Uart0. I configured its baud rate, parity, stop bit and fifos. Then, I tried to send data from uart but there occured a problem. In console it says "NCONT ERROR in ACK for access 0: ACK = 0x01" Since, I programmed my qspi flash with .jic file which contains .sof and .hex(First stage bootloader) that is why u-boot is writing something from uart0 to my terminal. I don't know what the problem here is. Do you have any idea about it?

    Best Regards,

