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Debugger unable to view large structs


I am using ARM Development Studio for debugging and have encountered some problems with the debugger's handling of large c structs.

EDIT: The following part about size is unrelated to the bug and I misread the numbers (see first Answer to this post).

In the variables view it shows the following for my struct vm

However, the actual size of struct vm is 76256 (I added a print to get sizeof(struct vm)) and I am unable to access fields of the struct that are outside of the size shown in the Variables view.

Even when using the debugger commands to print vms[0].something it fails with ERROR(EXP16): Member "something" not found despite something being a member of the struct.

Is there a way to view larger structs with the ARM Debugger?

I am thankful for any help!



  • Hi Martin.

    My name is Stephen and I work at Arm.

    The "Size" column in the Variables view is measured in bits, not bytes (610048 / 8 = 76256).
    If you hover the mouse cursor over the Size column header, a tooltip will show that.

    We can reproduce an issue with large structs, where some members are being shown in the Value column as "Optimised away".
    Do you see that too?  We are investigating, and will get back to you with more information shortly.

    In the meantime, please could you let us know:
    which version of Arm DS are you using (look in Help > About), and
    which version of compiler are you using?



  • Hi again Martin,

    We've identified an issue with the (default) LLVM DWARF parser in Arm DS Debugger.
    With large structs, when the offset to a member reaches a certain size, it gets put into a different datatype, which is then being interpreted incorrectly by the Debugger.  Unfortunately, this issue affects all recent versions of Arm DS, including the new version 2024.0.

    The workaround is to switch to the old DWARF parser.
    Select Window > Preferences, then Arm DS > Debugger > Dwarf Parser, then untick "Use LLVM Dwarf Parser".

    I've tested that this works for images compiled with Arm Compiler 6.
    If you are compiling with a recent GCC, you may need to compile with the option -gdwarf-4 to select DWARF4 debug tables, because the old Dwarf Parser doesn't support DWARF5.

    Is the ordering of the members critical in your struct?  If not, then an alternative workaround could be to move the members that you want to debug to the top of the struct.

    I'm sorry that you've hit this issue, but thank you for reporting it.  We'll endeavor to fix this in the next release.


  • Hi Stephen,

    Sorry that I didn't reply earlier. First off, unticking "Use LLVM Dwarf Parser" indeed fixed the bug and now I am able to see all struct members!
    Great to hear that you could reproduce the error and are working on a fix.

    About the size in my original post, I somehow misread the numbers and thought the size shown in ARM DS was smaller than the actual size in bytes.

    I did not encounter members shown as "Optimized Away" (apart from occasions where I assume they acutally were optimized).

    Thanks for your fast help and the workaround.

    Kind Regards
