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How Do I profile a native android application with Streamline

How can I profile a Native Application on the Android device?

Suppose I have an native application and can execute it on an Android device at `/data/local/tmp/my.bin` . How can I profile this application with Streamline?

Inspired by this thread: I have pushed `gatord` (located at `Arm_Performance_Studio_2024.0/streamline/bin/android/arm64/` to the android device and run the exectuable like so:


./gatord --output /data/local/tmp/ --app my.bin                          

However, I cannot see a trace file afterwards. How could I profile this application?

  • Hi

    That is generally correct, you should give the name of the capture as part of output, so something like:

    ./gatord -o /data/local/tmp/capture.apc -A application args...

    ought to work.

    Refer to `--help` for a list of command line arguments used to configure the target (see for example `--print counters`, and `-C` for configuration).

    You can also use the Streamline UI to make a live capture from the target in this configuration (which will allow you to apply GPU templates if you are interested in such things)... run gatord like:

    ./gatord -A application args...

    and then use the "TCP/IP" option, rather than the "Android" option in the "Start" tab. If your device is connected by adb/usb, and the adb command is in the PATH (or is configured in the Streamline UI preferences) then you should see the device appear in the list of available devices.



  • HI could you tell me is performance studio can profile mali G710 with openCL mode .

    i have a mali G610 ,but it seem that no tool can profile openCL mode on my device, so i want buy a device with Mali G710.

  • Thanks this worked indeed.

    For other reading this, the only thing I had to add was to pull the the capture.apc folder, zip it, and the load it as zip file into Streamline.