I just installed the Arm Development Studio IDE on Windows 11 and apart from getting error messages (red squiggly lines) on the Hello World example project, when I compile it I get an "g++: command not found" error which makes the build fail.
Are you expecting to use GNU tools, or do you wish to use the supplied Arm Compiler for Embedded (armclang)? As a first step, I recommend importing one of the supplied example projects (File > Import > Arm Development Studio > Examples (and libraries).
If you do wish to use GNU, have you registered your toolchain with the IDE?https://developer.arm.com/documentation/101469/2022-1/Installing-and-configuring-Arm-Development-Studio/Register-a-compiler-toolchain
This helped although I didn't follow the instructions in the link. My problem got resolved and I think my solution was installing gcc under cygwin.