Hi, I am struggling in running the ready-examples of the ARM development studio IDE. I demonstrate the "TrustZone_Cortex-A9AC6" example here.
I am using the following resources:
1) "ARM Cyclone V SoC FPGA development kit".
2) Licensed copy of the ARM development studio IDE version 2021.1.
3) Windows 10 OS.
4) JTAG connection between the FPGA kit and the PC.
Please also refer to the snapshots in the attached pdf file for more details.
According to the description provided with this example "readme.html", the system should display some text on the "Target Console" like "Hello from Normal world" and so on.
However, nothing was displayed on the Target Console although the system was running without a clear reason.
Any advice please to handle this issue? thanks a lot.
TrustZone_Cortex-A9AC6 example does not run normally.pdf
Hi Stephen
Many thanks for your support
It seems that I got a successful startup for the Cyclone V SoC board in the supervisory mode (SVC), the "startup_Cortex-A9_AC6" has been cleaned and rebuild, without modifying the scatter file, then I debugged it in the FVP mode, all messages in the commands view were normal and the data was loaded successfully, please check the messages below, except one line that I am not sure what does mean by the peripheral description file: "No SYSID registers could be found. Has a peripheral description file been supplied?".
The project was imported from the archived projects, I only exchanged the "C-code" in the "sort.c" file with a simpler one, the code should return the value of a variable, but after the successful startup and clicking on the the "run" button, nothing was displayed in the Target console or in the App console.
Anyway, I attached the "startup_Cortex-A9_AC6" project here (with the modified "sort.c" file), could you please check it for me, thanks again for your support.
-------------- messages in the commands view --------------------------
Stopping running target Intel SoC FPGA - Cyclone V SoC (Dual Core) on connectionConnected to running target Intel SoC FPGA - Cyclone V SoC (Dual Core)Execution stopped in SVC mode at S:0x8001E5C8S:0x8001E5C8 MOV pc,lrcd "C:\Users\Mohammed Lami\Development Studio Workspace"Working directory "C:\Users\Mohammed Lami\Development Studio Workspace"Execution stopped in SVC mode at S:0x8001E5C8S:0x8001E5C8 MOV pc,lrsource /v "C:\Program Files\Arm\Development Studio 2021.1\sw\debugger\configdb\Scripts\altera_target_check.py"
No SYSID registers could be found. Has a peripheral description file been supplied?
loadfile "C:\Users\Mohammed Lami\Development Studio Workspace\startup_Cortex-A9_AC6\startup_Cortex-A9_AC6.axf"Loaded section VECTORS: S:0x80000000 ~ S:0x80000233 (size 0x234)Loaded section RO_CODE: S:0x80000234 ~ S:0x800028D7 (size 0x26A4)Loaded section RO_DATA: S:0x800028D8 ~ S:0x80002B0F (size 0x238)Loaded section RW_DATA: S:0x80002B10 ~ S:0x80002B1B (size 0xC)Entry point S:0x80000000Semihosting server socket created at port 8000Semihosting enabled automatically due to semihosting symbol detected in image 'startup_Cortex-A9_AC6.axf'set debug-from *$ENTRYPOINTstartStarting target with image C:\Users\Mohammed Lami\Development Studio Workspace\startup_Cortex-A9_AC6\startup_Cortex-A9_AC6.axfRunning from entry pointwaitExecution stopped in SVC mode at S:0x80000000In startup.SS:0x80000000 43,0 LDR PC, Reset_Addrwaitcontinue
Hi again MohammedI tried your modified "startup_Cortex-A9_AC6" project and it works well on the FVP model (see screenshot). But I hope that you've already tried that yourself, so I'm not sure what you are asking to check. I don't have access to a Cyclone V SoC FPGA development kit or USB Blaster, so I can't test it on real hardware.
The messages in the Commands view you showed look OK but, sorry, I can't diagnose why you don't see any output in the App console when you run. Try single-stepping through the instructions to see where execution fails. I guess some exception occurred at run-time.Regarding the messageNo SYSID registers could be found. Has a peripheral description file been supplied?please see this thread:community.arm.com/.../failed-to-load-project-axf---error-cmd16-tad274-nal22---can-t-run-bare-metal-application-from-sdramHope this helpsStephen
Thanks for your response
When you said: "I tried your modified "startup_Cortex-A9_AC6" project and it works well on the FVP model (see screenshot). But I hope that you've already tried that yourself, so I'm not sure what you are asking to check. I don't have access to a Cyclone V SoC FPGA development kit or USB Blaster, so I can't test it on real hardware."
in my client, I can't debug the project in FVP mode without connecting the pc to SoC cyclone V kit via usb B-blaster interface. So I am wondering how did you run the project without connecting to the real hardware as you mentioned please?
Thank you
Hello Mohammed,
I am a colleague of Stephen at Arm. I suspect you are using Arm Development Studio Intel Edition:https://developer.arm.com/tools-and-software/embedded/arm-development-studio/editions/intel-soc-fpga
This is a special edition only for those FPGA devices, rather than the 'full' Development Studio which offers FVPs and other targets.
We don't have access to the hardware and so it is difficult for us to suggest solutions, you may be better served asking on the Intel specific forums:https://community.intel.com/t5/Programmable-Devices/bd-p/programmable-devices
A cursory search found these examples. which may be useful for you:https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/programmable/support-resources/design-guidance/bare-metal-developer.html
These place the code/stack in addresses up to 0x40000000. Perhaps adjusting the scatter file to reflect these addresses may fix the issue?