After installing the development studio, and click the "Obtain evaluation license" to get a 30-day Gold Edition evaluation license.
Keep get following errors: Unable to execute API call /api/v1/connect.
I'm sure the Email and Password is correct.
Window system:Win7 Development Studio version:2020.1
Thank you very much for your reply.
I register using the same email as my community account.
I've just tried a few more times, but the phenomenon is still the same.
Could you help me generate a license?
We believe this is now resolved. Please can you try again. If the issue persists, please send me a private message.
Sorry for my late reply due to vacation.
I just confirmed that the version I'm using is "DS000-BN-00000-r20p1-00rel1", it's not the latest.
I'm not sure if that's the reason. I'll try but I need some time downloading.
I will get back to you after testing the latest version.
The problem has been solved.
My network blocked my registration information.
Thanks again for all your help.