After installing the development studio, and click the "Obtain evaluation license" to get a 30-day Gold Edition evaluation license.
Keep get following errors: Unable to execute API call /api/v1/connect.
I'm sure the Email and Password is correct.
Window system:Win7 Development Studio version:2020.1
I work on the Community team, and I just wanted to let you know I have raised this internally. Either myself, or a colleague will be in touch when we have an update.
If you tried to register using the same email as you have used for your community account, we don't have a record of it. Can you try to register one more time please?
If that does not work then let me know here. We will then get a licence sent over to you.
Thank you very much for your reply.
I register using the same email as my community account.
I've just tried a few more times, but the phenomenon is still the same.
Could you help me generate a license?
We believe this is now resolved. Please can you try again. If the issue persists, please send me a private message.
Sorry for my late reply due to vacation.
I just confirmed that the version I'm using is "DS000-BN-00000-r20p1-00rel1", it's not the latest.
I'm not sure if that's the reason. I'll try but I need some time downloading.
I will get back to you after testing the latest version.
The problem has been solved.
My network blocked my registration information.
Thanks again for all your help.
Hi there! Just downloaded "DS000-BN-00000-r20p1-00rel2" with the purpose of running it on an evaluation license, but I'm still unable to get registered for one, when first starting up the software. I've even completely shutdown the firewall on my machine just to allow all connections and still no joy. Am I doing something wrong?Thanks!