Could not read environment file C:...\ds5\win_64\r5p0-27rel0\sw\info\env.ini": Operation not permitted
I have Full Control of this env.ini file and can open it with notepad to read/write; So not really a file permission issue.
Any idea why Eclipse cannot start?
Hello Zhe,
After a bit of investigation on my side, I think I can see the problem. I suspect you don't have the "Personal" registry key set in "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders". Your colleagues probably do have this set, which is why their DS-5 launches without issue. I wouldn't recommend setting registry keys yourself though - instead, if, prior to launching DS-5 from the command prompt, you set the environment variable "MY_DOCS" to point to your "My Documents" folder, I believe DS-5 should launch successfully.
Let me know if that works.
There are a couple of issues on our side here: 1) we're using a now-deprecated way of deriving My Documents, 2) we are reporting the wrong error message. I will endeavour to get those fixed.
Best regards,Jonathan
Dear Jonathan,
I indeed miss the registery key on my computer; will check with our IT about this.
In the meantime, your solution (with "MY_DOCS") solved the issue immediately! Thank you, I am really grateful to your kind help!
Best regards,
Hi Zhe,Glad to hear that fixed your issue - thanks for confirming.
I have the same problem and do have the `Personal` registry set, as well as the MY_DOCS env variable that i set. I also tried to give full permission to use the `env.ini` file under properties->security tab. On a different computer it works fine, I also tried to reinstall the arm compiler and it didn't help.