Could not read environment file C:...\ds5\win_64\r5p0-27rel0\sw\info\env.ini": Operation not permitted
I have Full Control of this env.ini file and can open it with notepad to read/write; So not really a file permission issue.
Any idea why Eclipse cannot start?
Hello Jonathan,
I launched Eclipse via command prompt of Win10. The Eclipse binary that I launched is,
The computer is a working machine from my empoyer, and the installation was done by the IT. So I have no control over <prefix_pathname>.
I only removed the <prefix_pathname> from the error message; the rest of the error message is exactly the same as I pasted in my question.
I can enter the pathname mentioned in the message message thru both command prompt and Windows Explorer. And I can open this env.ini file with any text editor. Please find below the content of this file (I verified with other colleagues and they have the same contents and no problem to launch Eclipse):
Many thanks for your kind reply.
Kind regards,
Hello Zhe,
After a bit of investigation on my side, I think I can see the problem. I suspect you don't have the "Personal" registry key set in "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders". Your colleagues probably do have this set, which is why their DS-5 launches without issue. I wouldn't recommend setting registry keys yourself though - instead, if, prior to launching DS-5 from the command prompt, you set the environment variable "MY_DOCS" to point to your "My Documents" folder, I believe DS-5 should launch successfully.
Let me know if that works.
There are a couple of issues on our side here: 1) we're using a now-deprecated way of deriving My Documents, 2) we are reporting the wrong error message. I will endeavour to get those fixed.
Best regards,Jonathan
Dear Jonathan,
I indeed miss the registery key on my computer; will check with our IT about this.
In the meantime, your solution (with "MY_DOCS") solved the issue immediately! Thank you, I am really grateful to your kind help!
Best regards,
Hi Zhe,Glad to hear that fixed your issue - thanks for confirming.
I have the same problem and do have the `Personal` registry set, as well as the MY_DOCS env variable that i set. I also tried to give full permission to use the `env.ini` file under properties->security tab. On a different computer it works fine, I also tried to reinstall the arm compiler and it didn't help.