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How to use compiled Hex file from Keil on windows to the design_start?


Thanks for your supporting in advance, As I know M0 or M3's design start kit have some example which is firmware such as Hello.

If I compiled that Hello firmware in the window, then can I use directly into the design start kit? or should I need to have a something process to use compiled firmware hex file on window into the design start kit on linux?

And I want to know what is fairly the common way to develop the firmware between window and linux?

  • DesignStart kit has memory model which takes Verilog hex file. E.g. using readmemh

    $readmemh(filename, rom_data);

    If your toolchain generates Intel Hex format, it cannot be used directly in the Verilog simulation. However, you can generate Verilog hex file using fromelf (ARM toolchain) or object copy (GNU gcc). If you have download the DesignStart kit, I believe there should be some makefile that support the compilation using ARM toolchain (e.g. DS-5) and gcc.

    If you are using Keil MDK in Windows, you can insert the fromelf command in project option to generate Verilog hex file after compilation finished,

    e.g. fromelf --vhx --8x1 test.axf --output test.vhx

  • DesignStart kit has memory model which takes Verilog hex file. E.g. using readmemh

    $readmemh(filename, rom_data);

    If your toolchain generates Intel Hex format, it cannot be used directly in the Verilog simulation. However, you can generate Verilog hex file using fromelf (ARM toolchain) or object copy (GNU gcc). If you have download the DesignStart kit, I believe there should be some makefile that support the compilation using ARM toolchain (e.g. DS-5) and gcc.

    If you are using Keil MDK in Windows, you can insert the fromelf command in project option to generate Verilog hex file after compilation finished,

    e.g. fromelf --vhx --8x1 test.axf --output test.vhx

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