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Optimized RGB to YCbCr conversion on Cortex-M7


Does ARM make available optimized routines for RGB/YCbCr conversions (e.g. RGB16/RGB888 to YCbCr 4:2:0 and 4:2:2) on Cortex-M7 (e.g. using SIMD instructions and intrinsics)?

(and in general, is there such an optimized library for DSP and image processing?)

Best regards,


  • As far as I know, ARM does not currently provide such a library, but you could write one in C or assembly language yourself; it shouldn't be too difficult (remember you can use the .rept and .endr assembler directives for repeating code blocks, also remember that you can write macros to simplify your code).

    First step would be to look at some C-code that does the conversion using SIMD; perhaps it would even be enough to compile the C-code, since compilers today are quite good at optimizing. :)