I am looking for FPU exception generation code. If some one share, or suggest some document for the same.
Hi Anuj,
there would be several cases to produce the floating point execeptions.I would show the below examples.
FPExc_InvalidOp +infinity + (–infinity) FPExc_DivideByZero normalized number / zero FPExc_Overflow maximum normalized number + 1FPExc_Underflow minumum normalized number - 1FPExc_Inexact maximum normalized number + minumum normalized numberFPExc_InputDenorm operand is denormalized number
In Cortex-M4 case, the enable bits seem not to be implemented.So, you can only see the accumulated exception results in FPSCR.
Best regards,
Yasuhiko Koumoto.
Hello Yasuhiko,
Thanks for your email. To be precise I am using Cortex M4F.
I'm very sorry but I had given wrong information.The overflow and underflow conditions were wrong.I have corrected them in the actual code.I have verified them on my FRDM-K64F board.
The CPU of the board is Cortex-M4F.
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "fsl_device_registers.h" #include "fsl_uart_driver.h" #include "fsl_clock_manager.h" #include "board.h" #ifdef DEBUG #include "fsl_debug_console.h" #endif /******************************************************************************* * Definitions ******************************************************************************/ #define USE_STDIO_FUNCTIONS /* Define this symbol to use STDIO functions */ /******************************************************************************* * Global Variables ******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************* * Prototypes ******************************************************************************/ void FPSCR_CLR(void); int FPSCR_GET(void); /******************************************************************************* * Code ******************************************************************************/ /********************************************************************/ int main (void) { union { float f; int i; } X, Y, Z; /*************************************************************************** * RX buffers **************************************************************************/ /*! @param receiveBuff Buffer used to hold received data */ uint8_t receiveBuff[19] = {0}; /* Initialize standard SDK demo application pins */ hardware_init(); /* Configure the UART TX/RX pins */ configure_uart_pins(BOARD_DEBUG_UART_INSTANCE); /* Call this function to initialize the console UART. This function enables the use of STDIO functions (printf, scanf, etc.) */ dbg_uart_init(); /* Print the initial banner */ printf("\r\nFPU ExceprionLinpack Bnechmark\n\n\r"); //FPU_Enable(); printf("FPExc_InvalidOp\n\r"); /* +infinity + (?infinity) */ FPSCR_CLR(); X.i = 0x7f800000; Y.i = 0xff800000; Z.i = 0x00000000; Z.f = X.f + Y.f; printf("RES=%08x FPSCR=%08x\n\r", Z.i, FPSCR_GET()); printf("FPExc_DivideByZero\n\r"); /* normalized number / zero */ FPSCR_CLR(); X.i = 0x3f800000; Y.i = 0x00000000; Z.i = 0x00000000; Z.f = X.f / Y.f; printf("RES=%08x FPSCR=%08x\n\r", Z.i, FPSCR_GET()); printf("FPExc_Overflow\n\r"); /* maximum normalized number * maximum normalized number */ FPSCR_CLR(); X.i = 0x7f7fffff; Y.i = 0x7f7fffff; Z.i = 0x00000000; Z.f = X.f * Y.f; printf("RES=%08x FPSCR=%08x\n\r", Z.i, FPSCR_GET()); printf("FPExc_Underflow\n\r"); /* minumum normalized number / maximum normalized number */ FPSCR_CLR(); X.i = 0x00800000; Y.i = 0x7f7fffff; Z.i = 0x00000000; Z.f = X.f / Y.f; printf("RES=%08x FPSCR=%08x\n\r", Z.i, FPSCR_GET()); printf("FPExc_Inexact\n\r"); /* maximum normalized number + minumum normalized number */ FPSCR_CLR(); X.i = 0x7f7fffff; Y.i = 0x00800000; Z.i = 0x00000000; Z.f = X.f + Y.f; printf("RES=%08x FPSCR=%08x\n\r", Z.i, FPSCR_GET()); printf("FPExc_InputDenormt\n\r"); /* operand is denormalized number */ FPSCR_CLR(); X.i = 0x00000001; Y.i = 0x00000000; Z.i = 0x00000000; Z.f = X.f + Y.f; printf("RES=%08x FPSCR=%08x\n\r", Z.i, FPSCR_GET()); while(1) { } } void FPSCR_CLR(void) { int tmp=(1<<24); asm volatile ("VMSR FPSCR,%0\n" : "=r" (tmp) : "0" (tmp)); } int FPSCR_GET(void) { int tmp; asm volatile ("VMRS %0,FPSCR\n" : "=r" (tmp) : "0" (tmp)); return tmp; }
Best regards,Yasuhiko Koumoto.