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Does ordered-memory-access wait for response?


I use Cortex-A17.

Any question.



memory-type is device.

1. LDR R0, [R2]

2. STR R3, [R4]  (R2 != R4)

On AXI-bus, (2.)write transaction is wait for (1.)read response?



memory-type is normal(noncache)

1. LDR R0, [R2]

2. DMB

3. STR R3, [R4]  (R2 != R4)

On AXI-bus, (3.)write transaction is wait for (1.)read response?



memory-type is device or normal(nocache).

1. STR R0, [R2]

    (DMB) for normal memory

2. STR R3, [R4]  (R2 != R4)

On AXI-bus, (2.)write transaction is wait for (1.)write response?
