From the question i got the starting address of the burst should be FFF0 and as the bus width is 64 bit which is 8 bytes. So AWSIZE will be 3 . AWLENGTH = 180/8, which is 22.5 but the maximum AWLENGTH is 15 only . How to resolve this issue.I am using the below formulas for my calculation.
wrap_boundary = int(start_address/2^AWSIZE* (AWLENGTH+1))* 2^AWSIZE*(AWLENGTH+1);Address_N = wrap_boundary +(2^AWSIZE*(AWLENGTH+1))
Can anyone help me in getting the ending address by considering the 4KB AXI boundary for 180 bytes of data .
This is AXI3 question
Thanks & Regards,Manikanta K.