How is the "Bank" in A53's L2MERRSR defined in TRM?

Sorry for repeat post.

I look for information of the organization of shared L2 cache in A53. 

I write FW for diagnosis of a faulty Zynq Ultrascale+ (ZU+) chip.

The chip fails to boot and constantly giving error in L2MERRSR_EL1. 

The error is parsed as "Valid = 1, RAMID = 11, CPUID/Way = 3, Addr = 3C0F". 

I understand the L2 in ZU+ has 16 ways, 64B line, 1MB. Each way has 64KB, and way 0 would map to DDR 0-64K, way 1 would map to 64-128K, etc, if I only use 1MB of DDR. 

I am trying to figure out what kind of definition is that "Bank 0-7" in the L2 data RAM. How would that map to in my minimalist system with only 1MB main memory? 

Thank you. 

Thank you.