I'm currently working with KEIL uVision 5 and have developed a custom hardware project using a Cortex-M0 microcontroller. In the code, I've integrated debug print logs that are transmitted using UART1. My goal is to view these debug logs through a serial viewer while entering into debug mode.
However, I've encountered two main issues:
Debug Log Display Issue: Despite configuring the UART1 for debug logs, I'm unable to see any log outputs in the serial viewer while entering into debug mode. I've ensured that the UART1 settings are correctly configured, but still no logs are being displayed.
Hardware Power Issue: Additionally, when I enter into debug mode, I've noticed that the hardware powers off unexpectedly. This behavior is unexpected, and I suspect it might be related to the debugging process or some power configuration settings.
I'm seeking guidance and insights from the community to help me resolve these issues:
Please help!
Hi there, I have moved your question to the Architectures and Processors forum. Many thanks.