I'm having some problems building the android12 image.
I downloaded and compiled AOSP, branch android-12 and lunch aosp_arm64-eng. To use the gga, made myimage.img with ramdisk.img and system.img under the android out folder according to Fast Models User Guide (arm.com)
Here is my start command:
./FVP_Base_RevC-2xAEMvA --plugin=../../plugins/Linux64_GCC-9.3/Sidechannel.so
-C DEBUG.Sidechannel.interceptor=$PVLIB_HOME/GGA/reconciler/linux-x86_64/gcc-9.3.0/rel/libReconciler.so
-C pctl.startup=
-C bp.secure_memory=0
-C cache_state_modelled=0
-C cluster0.NUM_CORES=1
-C cluster1.NUM_CORES=0
-C bp.smsc_91c111.enabled=1
-C bp.smsc_91c111.mac_address=auto
-C bp.pl011_uart0.untimed_fifos=1
-C bp.secureflashloader.fname=fvp_bl1.bin
-C bp.flashloader0.fname=fvp_fip.bin
-C bp.virtioblockdevice.image_path=image/myimage.img
But it stuck in the following interface:
I think there may be some problems with the android image produced, and the fast models user guide is too brief. How can I correctly build an android12 image and Device Tree Binary that can be used by fast models? What files do I need to prepare to run android under fast models?
From Fast Models User Guide Version 11.1 (arm.com) that I need uefi-vars.fd file to run Android under AARCH64, can anyone tell me how to get uefi-vars.fd?
Hello, Note: After your first clean build, you may notice that subsequent builds, both clean and incremental, perform much faster even without using any of the optimizations described on this page. This is because the Gradle daemon has a "warm-up" period of increasing performance—similar to other JVM processes. My Health at Vanderbilt Login