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Why is ROM consumption in double is bigger than single-precision floating-point?

Hello everyone,

I'm analyzing two codes exactly the same on a ARM Cortex-M4F (Armv7E-M).
The only difference is that one uses double precision floating-point, and the another single one.
I realized that the double precision one consumes more ROM memory than the single.

My guess is that since Floating-Point Unit (FPU) of ARM Cortex-M4F is natively made for 32bits floating-points, when the code uses 64bits, the program generates more assembly code to overcome this limitation somehow.

Anyone knows why?
Can anyone provide any source or material that validate your statement?


  • If all your CPU has is a 32bit floating-point unit, any double-precision calculations will be done using the software-only 64 libraries (at a cost of ROM space, and probably more performance loss than you expected.)


    ;  double z, z2;

    ;  float x, y;

      x += y;
        4300:       4b0d            ldr     r3, [pc, #52]
        4302:       4a0e            ldr     r2, [pc, #56]
        4304:       edd3 7a00       vldr    s15, [r3]
        4308:       ed92 7a00       vldr    s14, [r2]
        430c:       ee77 7a87       vadd.f32        s15, s15, s14   ;; floating point add instruction
    void loop() {
        4310:       b510            push    {r4, lr}
      z += z2;
        4312:       4c0b            ldr     r4, [pc, #44]
      x += y;
        4314:       edc3 7a00       vstr    s15, [r3]
      z += z2;
        4318:       4b0a            ldr     r3, [pc, #40]
        431a:       e9d4 0100       ldrd    r0, r1, [r4]
        431e:       e9d3 2300       ldrd    r2, r3, [r3]
        4322:       f002 f87b       bl      641c <__adddf3>     ;; call to floating point add function.
        4326:       e9c4 0100       strd    r0, r1, [r4]

    (Possibly depending on compiler.  I don't know of any compiler that uses a single point FPU to help with Doubles, and it looks "hard", but I guess it's possible.)

    (I believe that M4F does not have an option for double-precision HW.  That doesn't show up until M7.)

    See also: