We are using iMX8M Mini (Part Number: MIMX8MM3CVTKZAA) which is built around Dual A53 Core (2xA53) and a M4 core. Our product will go to Avionics. Since aviation requires lot of certifications, we cannot use Linux (Yocto or similar) in our processor. We need to write Bare-Metal code for both the core from scratch.
I have couple of questions,
I talked about this with NXP, but they didn't give any concrete answer. Hence, posting here.
Let me know if you need any more information.
Thanks & Regards,
Aravind D. Chakravarti,
Lead Engineer,
Aravind_Chakravarti said:I hope it is possible to develop Bare-metal code for A53 core
Of course it is: the CPU neither knows nor cares how you develop your code - all it sees is the binary instructions & data that it fetches from memory
Aravind_Chakravarti said:Are there any free tools available
Surely, if this is for aviation, it's certified tools that you need to be looking for ... ?
Whether or not you can use free tools depends on the safety standard and if you can do the tool qualification by yourself.
Aravind_Chakravarti said:We need to write Bare-Metal code for both the core from scratch.
Why not use a certified RTOS? There are plenty with DO-178 certification around (if you need DO-178).
42Bastian Schick said:Why not use a certified RTOS?
Surely, that has to be preferable to trying to roll your own and then go through the entire qualification process on that?
Aravind_Chakravarti said:www.accord-global.com
So this:
"Accord Global Technology Solutions Private Limited (AGTSPL) is part of the Accord Group of companies with primary focus on Aerospace, Embedded, Automotive and Enterprise products and engineering services.
"Accord Group was established in 1991 by five technologists who have worked in the field of Avionics and real time embedded systems over several decades."
So, surely, you must have the resources and experience in-house to answer these questions?
Hey Andy,
Thank you for your answer. Yes. We have developed lots of products which are certified for Aviation. However, this the first time, we are working on the processor which is this complex.
(Regarding tool qualification, I think what matters is the compiler, not the IDE. I will check with my other colleagues on this)
Hi Andy Neil Bastian Schick
Thanks for your reply.
We did explore the RTOS option, we came across QNX. But, this approach demands lots of investment from us. Hence, we want to choose the in-house Bare-metal code development.
Hi Bastian Schick,
Earlier I worked with 'arm-none-eabi-gcc' toolchain for compiling Linux OS. I wanted to know if we can use similar compiler for Bare-metal code development.
My idea is,
- Use Development Studio for initial driver development. Because during this time, we need emulator and other debugging options. So, we can use Design Studio IDE only for 1 to 2 years.
- Once drivers developed switch to 'arm-none-eabi-gcc' (i mean, open source tool-chain)
Our product typically runs for next 15 to 20 years. It is really difficult to pay $6000 subscription for every year for next 15 to 20 years!
Developing your own RTOS to a stable and well-performing state, and then also qualifying it for aviation use is also going to be a large investment!
Aravind_Chakravarti said:(Regarding tool qualification, I think what matters is the compiler, not the IDE. I will check with my other colleagues on this)
Right, the tools to "build" the software (compiler, assembler, linker) but not the surrounding "goodies" like editor or IDE must be qualified.
QNX has no DO-178 certification AFAICS. So if IEC61508 is suffcient *hint* *hint* :-)
Might be true in US/EU. Not in India :-P (Just a joke)
But, can you please tell me if any open-source tool chain available for which can work with Bare-Metal code?
Just go to ARMs compiler web site. It lists different gcc versions.