I am planning to boot ARM cortex-a32 core with tos and Linux.I have gone through some documents and ended up with below understanding of armv8 boot process used trusted firmware A:
ARM Core Reset => BL1 => BL2 => (BL31/BL32(Tos)/BL33(Uboot))
Cortex-A32 is armv8 ,but only support aarch32,
Can cortex-A32 use trusted firmware A?
If can, there are several question:"ARM_ARCH_MAJOR" configure in the trustd firmware A should use 7 or 8?Should cortex-a32 not use bl31 like armv7?
Is my understanding correct or I have missed something ?
please help me understand it better.
Thanks You
Yes, Arm Trusted Firmware can support Cortex-A32
You could set ARCH=aarch32
I believe that ARM_ARCH_MAJOR should be 8, it is used to control compiler options for gcc, armclang or clang
Thanks, got it.