I'am reengineering old code with probably mixed editions of the CMSIS Core. Are there old versions of the CMSIS (especially V1.01 available)?
Hello, you might want to check old firmware packages of the chip you are using.
Lorenz Grübler said:reengineering old code
Don't you have the source?
yes I've the source, but obviously the were some "optimizations" done by people left the project. The MCU is a STM32F030F4P6 and the source used is
* @file stm32f0xx.h * @author MCD Application Team * @version V1.0.1 * @date 20-April-2012 * @brief CMSIS Cortex-M0 Device Peripheral Access Layer Header File. * This file contains all the peripheral register's definitions, bits * definitions and memory mapping for STM32F0xx devices.
Unfortunately STM32CubeF0 Firmware Package just dates back to June 2014. So my question is if there is somewhere the CMSIS Package of April 2012 online?
The key there is the author: "MCD Application Team" - that is ST.
So you need to contact ST about this.
You can search on github:github.com/.../stm32f0xx.h
Might also try googling (and/or searching GitHub) for "Standard Peripheral Library" or "StdPeriph" or similar ...