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hi. i wonder AMBA 3.0 AXI out-of order - WID & RID

Hi, I'm a graduate student living in south Korea. I'm studying about AMBA 3.0 AXI.

Recently, I read "AMBA AXI Protocol.pdf". but i have two questions about AXI after reading.

Firstly, i very wonder AWID, WID and BID when write transaction is started.

We assume that two masters(M0, M1-1bit ) and two slave(S0, S1) are. 

The M0 master want to send the burst data to the S0 slave. the M0 master can generate the AWID( value : 0x0001 ). at that time, the M0 master must generate the WID corresponding AWID. I wonder this situation. is the WID value? simply, does the WID value have the same AWID value ( 0x0001) ? also, is the RID value? similarly, does the RID value have the same AWID value ( 0x0001) ?

Secondly, we assume that burst transaction is started.

Do WID and RID have to be generated whenever one of burst data is transferred or only one about all of the burst ?

I totally want to know about the situation.