I have a project with CMSIS already integrated - I would like to find which version of CMSIS - how do I do that?
I thought perhaps the file: https://github.com/ARM-software/CMSIS_5/blob/develop/CMSIS/Core/Include/cmsis_version.h
However, the tagged versions on github do not seem to reflect the numbering in the tagged file.
You should ask this on GitHub. The versions do not fit. The readme of master says 5.6.0 but the version file 5.3.0.
Thanks for the answer.
I'm not a github user so apologies for the noddy question - how do I ask a question? Just raise an issue?
Digging through the issues turns up this: https://github.com/ARM-software/CMSIS_5/issues/814
"We use independent versioning on multiple layers:
In the concrete case, CMSIS Release Bundle 5.6.0 contains CMSIS-Core(M) in version 5.3.0, and the cmsis_version.h file version is 5.0.3. Three different versions."
Not entirely sure what that means yet but it's not just as simple as the cmsis_version.h file.
I recommed to checkout by tag and build yourself MD5 hashes on the files.