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32-bit encoding hex values for Arm instructions

I read a chapter about encoding Arm instructions, and I can figure out that the 32-bit code for

instruction MOVS r2, #0x01 is 0xF45F 0201.  What are the 32-bit codes for instructions

ADDS r3, r1, r2, and BX lr?

  • I read a chapter

    So which chapter, exactly, did you read?

    Give a proper reference!

    If you can figure the first one out, where are you stuck with the 2nd one?

    What are the 32-bit codes for instructions

    ADDS r3, r1, r2, and BX lr

    You could easily answer that by getting the assembler to do it for you!

  • I read a chapter

    So which chapter, exactly, did you read?

    Give a proper reference!

    If you can figure the first one out, where are you stuck with the 2nd one?

    What are the 32-bit codes for instructions

    ADDS r3, r1, r2, and BX lr

    You could easily answer that by getting the assembler to do it for you!

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