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How to select endianess in AHB?

Are there any signals to select little endianess or BE8 or BE32 big endianess in AHB transfers?

  • Simple answer, no.

    The endianness type needs to be defined at the system level, it isn't signalled on the AHB signals themselves.

    So this is something you decide at design time, and factor this into any data width conversion logic.

    For designs with areas using different endiannesses, the blocks connecting these different areas again need to be designed with those specific system endiannesses in mind, knowing which area uses which endianness.

    The original AHB and AHB-lite protocols only supported little and BE32 endiannesses, but the AHB5 protocol added support for BE8, with the byte or word invariance defined again at system design time, not signalled on the bus.