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The Musca-S1 test chip board architecture integrates the recommendations of Platform Security Architecture (PSA) using the same subsystem as Musca-A, but with the addition of dual eMRAM and SRAM on-chip secure memory subsystems and is PSA Level 1 and Functional API certified.
The Musca-S1 implementation of SSE-200 subsystem on Samsung Foundry 28FDS is ready to be used to form the core processing element of mainstream IoT devices with secure PSA Root-of-Trust (RoT). Musca-S1 can also be used to prototype secure boot, on-chip storage, execution and network device management through TM-F, Mbed OS and Pelion IoT platform integration.
Links to further Musca-S1 resources, FAQs and other useful information can be found under "Musca-S1 development board" in the wiki tree to the left of this page.
Arm Demonstrates New IoT Test Chip and Board
Introducing Industry’s-First 28FDS eMRAM IoT Test Chip and Board