burst length of AXI.

"I want to create simple tasks to send address and data from the master to the slave without any burst-length violations, making sure to include wstrb.

When an AXI4 master and AXI3 slave are connected via an NoC bus and perform transactions, the AXI4 master is set with awburst = 1, awlen = 1, awsize = 2, and wdata is 64-bit. Meanwhile, the AXI3 slave is configured to receive inputs with awburst = 1, awlen = 1, awsize = 2, and wdata is fixed at 32-bit.

I think that if the master sends a 64-bit transfer in one burst, and the slave receives it as two 32-bit transfers, there shouldn’t be any protocol issues. However, GPT suggests that the awlen of the AXI4 master and AXI3 slave must match to avoid burst-length violations. If I make awlen match, it will change the original behavior I intended.

In what cases does a burst-length violation occur?"

  • You're right that mismatched awlen values can lead to burst-length violations. In your case, since the AXI4 master is trying to send a 64-bit transfer while the AXI3 slave expects 32-bit, it could result in issues if the burst lengths don't align. A violation typically occurs when the master and slave have different expectations for how many beats are in a burst.

  • You're right that mismatched awlen values can lead to burst-length violations. In your case, since the AXI4 master is trying to send a 64-bit transfer while the AXI3 slave expects 32-bit, it could result in issues if the burst lengths don't align. A violation typically occurs when the master and slave have different expectations for how many beats are in a burst.

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