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How does QoS work with priority and ordering?

I'm trying to understand about QoS of AXI bus operation.

I thought that QoS will be processed priority and re-ordering with values of QoS as the below.

awqos 1..8..d..a..3..2..6..2

arqos 1..2..2..3..6..8..a..d

But awqos and arqos both seems like to work as an "in-order" in the capture below.

awqos 1..8..d..a..3..2..6..2

arqos 1..8..d..a..3..2..6..2

Does anyone help me understand about QoS operation and why it operates " in-order" instead of "re-order"?

If I want to see the QoS operation, what am I supposed to do?