It is about AMBA Low Power Interface Q-Channel.
I am using device which QDENY and QACTIVE are assigned with PWAKEUP.(assign QDENY = PWAKEUP/ assign QACTIVE = PWAKEUP)
'What I want to know is when QACTIVE is asserted, is it right that there is no condition to assert QDENY?'
If my question is right, when does device assert QDENY?
If my question is wrong, am I thinking right that QACTIVE and QDENY are independent signal?
I want to know exact relationship between QDENY and QACTIVE.
I am sorry that I made question wrong place.
Can you help this question to move ?
Thank you
Hi Peter Choi, no need to apologize, I am here to help you with this. I have now moved your question to this forum. Thanks for asking a question.