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AXI narrow burst support

I have an AXI4 initiator that issues a 32-bit read request to an AXI target (memory) via a 64-bit wide data bus.

I set the ARSIZE parameter to 2.

The data in the target memory are the following:

addr   : data
0x000: 64'h 77_66_55_44_33_22_11_00
0x100: 64'h 00_00_00_00_00_00_00_00

I am getting the following response data at the initiator interface:

In all cases, burst_type = INCR and burst_len = 0

case1: raddress = 'd0; ARSIZE= 'd2;
rdata_rcvd: 64'h 77_66_55_44_33_22_11_00  rdata_expected = 64'h 77_66_55_44_33_22_11_00

case2: raddress = 'd4; ARSIZE= 'd2
rdata_rcvd: 64'h 77_66_55_44_33_22_11_00  rdata_expected = 64'h xx_xx_xx_xx_77_66_55_44

case3: raddress = 'd5; ARSIZE= 'd2

rdata_rcvd: 64'h 77_66_55_44_33_22_11_00  rdata_expected = 64'h xx_xx_xx_xx_77_66_55_44

In case2 and case3, I expected that the slave aligns the 32-bit data on bits 0 to 32 of the 64-bit data bus.
Does the slave behaves correct or my understanding of ARSIZE parameter is wrong?

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