I have three questions:
(1) I downloaded the free Armv-A Base RevC AEM FVP which includes modeldebugger. However, when I try to run the modeldebugger it seems to require a license. Where can I get this license?
(2) Also, what is the difference between The Foundation Model (Armv-A Foundation AEM FVP) and The AEMv-A Base Platform FVP (Armv-A Base RevC AEM FVP)?
(3) is modeldebugger the same as the debugger provided with the Arm Development Studio?
Hello, thank you for your questions.
1) Model Debugger is provided as part of the Fast Model library, which is the tool used to create the FVPs (or your own custom virtual platform)..
2) The Base platform is a slightly more complex system, and is common with other processor FVPs. See the below documentation:https://developer.arm.com/documentation/100961https://developer.arm.com/documentation/100966/1118/Base-Platform-FVPs
3) They are very different. Model Debugger, is mainly used to verify the platform itself is correct - and offers only basic software debug functionality. The Arm Development Studio debugger is a fully featured software debugger, that can connect to both virtual and physical targets.
Thanks for replying. I've been trying to find a definition for "Arch Envelope Model (AEM)" and the ARM glossary doesn't specify. So far, what I think it means is it is modeling a cpu that has ALL reference manual optional features? An answer I found on stackoverflow offers a slightly different answer: "A model of the Arm architecture that aims to expose software bugs by modeling the extremes of behavior that the Arm architecture allows. (from the Fast Models User Guide v11.15, in 1.3 Fast model glossary)"
That is the definition as per https://developer.arm.com/documentation/100965/latest/Introduction-to-Fast-Models/Fast-Models-glossary, however I think I prefer your description!
No, the AEM doesn't model all CPU features. Instead, it models all architectural features. See the link below for more details about the AEM.
AEM doesn't model CPU specific features, so if your application uses specific CPU features, you must use a specific core implementation model listed in Core components of the FM Reference Guide below,
or an FVP that uses the CPU listed above. See the link below for more details about FVP.