I'm developing firmware with LPCXpresso55S28 (Cortex-M33) and Keil µVision v5.34 and would like to debug my code using FVP. The example mentioned in this application note works perfectly.
However, when I use my code or even hello_world example for LPCXpresso55S28, I'm able to launch the debug session but once I access any register, I always get a hard fault.
static inline void POWER_SetBodVbatLevel(power_bod_vbat_level_t level, power_bod_hyst_t hyst, bool enBodVbatReset) { // For example writing to BODVBAT register causes hard fault with FVP PMC->BODVBAT = (PMC->BODVBAT & (~(PMC_BODVBAT_TRIGLVL_MASK | PMC_BODVBAT_HYST_MASK))) | PMC_BODVBAT_TRIGLVL(level) | PMC_BODVBAT_HYST(hyst); PMC->RESETCTRL = (PMC->RESETCTRL & (~PMC_RESETCTRL_BODVBATRESETENABLE_MASK)) | PMC_RESETCTRL_BODVBATRESETENABLE(enBodVbatReset); }
I'm using FVP executable FVP_MPS2_Cortex-M33_MDK.exe which I assume should be compatible. I have tried with every ARMCM33*.txt configuration file with same outcome.
Any idea what might be the problem?
Thanks again, Ronan! Peripherals are hard-wired in LPC55S28.h which has 27k lines of definitions. I made a copy of it for FVP target and replaced a couple of registers to point to instances in RAM. I can control the "registers" I need and hard fault issues are gone for now.