My friend sent me his code, I change the code a little bit in his flash memory, protocol, variable, function and more.
After compile I not seeing any errors or warnings.
but when I uploading the code to my board, the computer is not detecting my USB (there isnt normal voice of connecting USB, or information in device manger).
when i uploading his original code. the computer detecting the device.
what i made wrong?
what in my changes could interrupt to detect USB?
Where should i check?
DRsecr said:there is a lot of little changes
So go back to the original, unmodified, working code.
Then make just one change at a time:
Hi again =]
The problem is with FFT function.
It seen the functions is too heavy or something for the USB
arm_cfft_radix4_init_f32(&S, FFT_SIZE, 0, 1); arm_cfft_radix4_f32(&S, input); arm_cmplx_mag_f32(input, AFFT, FFT_SIZE); arm_max_f32(AFFT, FFT_SIZE, &maxValue, &maxIndex);
I hope you can help me/lead me,
Thank you very much!