Hi All,
i went through this link
and related a53 vector table implementation.
in this regard, i have a question
1. Say a processor gets stuck in exception handler due to one of the exceptions, would it still respond to hardware interrupts?
in other words, say a processor is in exception handler function and it gets an UART interrupt, will the UART ISR gets invoked and be able to service the request.
so the reason i am asking this question is to recover a board which is landing into exception handler and send all its REGISTERS/STATE information via UART directed to console.
Hi, in your exception handler (say, Data abort exception handler), i think, it should be perfectly fine to read or write to the UART registers. You don't need to invoke the UART ISR. I also don't think that ISRs are designed to be invoked. You typically register them instead and they are supposed to get invoked automatically,