I want to build a shared library using armclang (v 6.13) toolchain and finally link it with android 64 bit arm toolchain.
The reason is that, I've few performance critical functions and wanted to compile them using armclang toolchain (to genrate better code) and then link it finally with my application using aarch64-linux-android- standalone toolchain (and run it on my Android target)
Is it possible?
When I tried the above, I get the following error,
# ./helloworld_android CANNOT LINK EXECUTABLE "./helloworld_android": empty/missing DT_HASH/DT_GNU_HASH in "/data/local/tmp/myshared.so" (new hash type from the future?)Aborted
I see that "-Wl,--hash-style=both" linker option could fix this issue. However, looks like armclang doesn't understand this option. Or am I missing something?
Any idea of how to achieve the above?
Thanks in advance.