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android can't add the cortex a8 neon assermbly function?

  • Note: This was originally posted on 24th July 2012 at

    E:/DSP/2d_lib//obj/local/armeabi/objs/v2d/main.o: In function `GetOneFrame(unsigned char*, unsigned char*)':
    E:/DSP/2d_lib//jni/main.cpp:239: undefined reference to `yuv422torgb888(unsigned char*, unsigned char*, void*, int)'
    collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
    make: *** [E:/DSP/2d_lib//obj/local/armeabi/] Error 1 How to fix this problem ?

    The problem is not due to NEON but to the assembly function declaration !

    I've written a simple assembly ADD example for Android
    If you speak french

    else you can translate with google

    The interesting part for you is

       .global  Java_com_example_helloandroid_HelloAndroid_sommeAsm
       .type    Java_com_example_helloandroid_HelloAndroid_sommeAsm, %function
       vadd.s16    d0, d0, d0
       add      r0, r2, r3
       mov      pc, lr
       .size    Java_com_example_helloandroid_HelloAndroid_sommeAsm, .-Java_com_example_helloandroid_HelloAndroid_sommeAsm

    Give you assembly function here if you want some more explanation !
  • Note: This was originally posted on 24th July 2012 at

    E:/DSP/2d_lib//obj/local/armeabi/objs/v2d/main.o: In function `GetOneFrame(unsigned char*, unsigned char*)':
    E:/DSP/2d_lib//jni/main.cpp:239: undefined reference to `yuv422torgb888(unsigned char*, unsigned char*, void*, int)'
    collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
    make: *** [E:/DSP/2d_lib//obj/local/armeabi/] Error 1 How to fix this problem ?

    The problem is not due to NEON but to the assembly function declaration !

    I've written a simple assembly ADD example for Android
    If you speak french

    else you can translate with google

    The interesting part for you is

       .global  Java_com_example_helloandroid_HelloAndroid_sommeAsm
       .type    Java_com_example_helloandroid_HelloAndroid_sommeAsm, %function
       vadd.s16    d0, d0, d0
       add      r0, r2, r3
       mov      pc, lr
       .size    Java_com_example_helloandroid_HelloAndroid_sommeAsm, .-Java_com_example_helloandroid_HelloAndroid_sommeAsm

    Give you assembly function here if you want some more explanation !
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