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android can't add the cortex a8 neon assermbly function?

  • Note: This was originally posted on 24th July 2012 at

    E:/DSP/2d_lib//obj/local/armeabi/objs/v2d/main.o: In function `GetOneFrame(unsigned char*, unsigned char*)':
    E:/DSP/2d_lib//jni/main.cpp:239: undefined reference to `yuv422torgb888(unsigned char*, unsigned char*, void*, int)'
    collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
    make: *** [E:/DSP/2d_lib//obj/local/armeabi/] Error 1 How to fix this problem ?

    The problem is not due to NEON but to the assembly function declaration !

    I've written a simple assembly ADD example for Android
    If you speak french

    else you can translate with google

    The interesting part for you is

       .global  Java_com_example_helloandroid_HelloAndroid_sommeAsm
       .type    Java_com_example_helloandroid_HelloAndroid_sommeAsm, %function
       vadd.s16    d0, d0, d0
       add      r0, r2, r3
       mov      pc, lr
       .size    Java_com_example_helloandroid_HelloAndroid_sommeAsm, .-Java_com_example_helloandroid_HelloAndroid_sommeAsm

    Give you assembly function here if you want some more explanation !
  • Note: This was originally posted on 24th July 2012 at

    Hi webshaker
       Thank you for reply.
        I speek chinese, and can read in english.  I transfer the web from french into english and will try it.

            Now I have another quesion, list in the post ""
  • Note: This was originally posted on 24th July 2012 at

    Hi webshaker
       Thank you for reply.
        I speek chinese, and can read in english.  I transfer the web from french into english and will try it.

            Now I have another quesion, list in the post "

    isogen74 replied you !!!

    you must not specify the type for each register but for the instruction
    if the instruction VSUBL Q3.S16, D0.U8, D2.U8 is "compiled" with realview and not with gcc it's just because the assembler syntax are not the same !

    to my opinion, that's a better idea to use gcc syntax !

  • Note: This was originally posted on 25th July 2012 at

    [sub]The two problems are all solved now ,thank you very much![/sub]