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How to use GGA under FVP_Morello?


I successfully run android-swr on FVP_morello, but the running speed is too slow, I want to use GGA to accelerate graphics calculation. Follow the tutorial Fast Models User Guide (, but Android did not start, the following information was reported,

Complete terminal information and startup log files are in the files.

Can someone help me?


No network option provided. Booting without network support!
No automate option provided. Keep the model executing!
Running FVP Base Model with these parameters:
Executing Model Command:
  FVP_Morello/models/Linux64_GCC-6.4/FVP_Morello --data Morello_Top.css.scp.armcortexm7ct=/home/lhx6355/ARM/morello_workspace/bsp/rom-binaries/scp_romfw.bin@0x0 --data Morello_Top.css.mcp.armcortexm7ct=/home/lhx6355/ARM/morello_workspace/bsp/rom-binaries/mcp_romfw.bin@0x0 -C Morello_Top.soc.scp_qspi_loader.fname=/home/lhx6355/ARM/morello_workspace/output/fvp/firmware/scp_fw.bin -C Morello_Top.soc.mcp_qspi_loader.fname=/home/lhx6355/ARM/morello_workspace/output/fvp/firmware/mcp_fw.bin -C css.scp.armcortexm7ct.INITVTOR=0x0 -C css.mcp.armcortexm7ct.INITVTOR=0x0 -C css.trustedBootROMloader.fname=/home/lhx6355/ARM/morello_workspace/bsp/rom-binaries/bl1.bin -C board.ap_qspi_loader.fname=/home/lhx6355/ARM/morello_workspace/output/fvp/firmware/fip.bin -C board.virtioblockdevice.image_path=/home/lhx6355/ARM/morello_workspace/output/fvp/android-swr.img -C css.pl011_uart_ap.out_file=/home/lhx6355/ARM/morello_workspace/run-scripts/uart0-1670247423855422689.log -C css.pl011_uart_ap.unbuffered_output=1 -C displayController=1 -C board.virtio_rng.enabled=1 -C board.virtio_rng.seed=0 -C num_clusters=2 -C num_cores=2 -C DEBUG.Sidechannel.interceptor=/home/lhx6355/ARM/morello_workspace/FVP_Morello/models/Linux64_GCC-6.4/ --plugin=/home/lhx6355/ARM/morello_workspace/FVP_Morello/models/Linux64_GCC-6.4/ -C board.virtio_net.hostbridge.userNetworking=1 -C board.virtio_net.enabled=1 -C board.virtio_net.transport=legacy -C board.virtio_net.hostbridge.userNetPorts=5555=5555
terminal_uart_aon: Listening for serial connection on port 5000
terminal_uart0: Listening for serial connection on port 5001
terminal_uart1: Listening for serial connection on port 5002
terminal_uart_ap: Listening for serial connection on port 5003
terminal_uart1_ap: Listening for serial connection on port 5004
terminal_sec_uart_ap: Listening for serial connection on port 5005
terminal_uart0_board: Listening for serial connection on port 5006
terminal_uart1_board: Listening for serial connection on port 5007

Info: Morello_Top: GPU model reads settings.ini file at /home/lhx6355/ARM/morello_workspace

Info: Morello_Top: Morello_Top.css.trustedBootROMloader: FlashLoader: Loaded 77 kB from file '/home/lhx6355/ARM/morello_workspace/bsp/rom-binaries/bl1.bin'

Info: Morello_Top: Morello_Top.soc.scp_qspi_loader: FlashLoader: Loaded 87 kB from file '/home/lhx6355/ARM/morello_workspace/output/fvp/firmware/scp_fw.bin'

Info: Morello_Top: Morello_Top.soc.mcp_qspi_loader: FlashLoader: Loaded 21 kB from file '/home/lhx6355/ARM/morello_workspace/output/fvp/firmware/mcp_fw.bin'

Info: Morello_Top: Morello_Top.board.ap_qspi_loader: FlashLoader: Loaded 2184 kB from file '/home/lhx6355/ARM/morello_workspace/output/fvp/firmware/fip.bin'
INFO [RECONCILER] GGA revision d5e70935d84179ffdd80ac1a53ee8e15a7430b85.
INFO [RECONCILER] Reading settings.ini from CWD: /home/lhx6355/ARM/morello_workspace
INFO [RECONCILER] Reading settings from settings.ini
WARN [RECONCILER] Could not retrieve function pointer for function [glTexStorage1DEXT] !
WARN [RECONCILER] Could not retrieve function pointer for function [glTexStorage2DEXT] !
WARN [RECONCILER] Could not retrieve function pointer for function [glTexStorage3DEXT] !
WARN [RECONCILER] Could not retrieve function pointer for function [glTexStorage1DEXT] !
WARN [RECONCILER] Could not retrieve function pointer for function [glTexStorage2DEXT] !
WARN [RECONCILER] Could not retrieve function pointer for function [glTexStorage3DEXT] !
Reconciler plug-in '/home/lhx6355/ARM/morello_workspace/FVP_Morello/models/Linux64_GCC-6.4/' loaded and initialised [pid:16747, hnd:0x419f87f0]
INFO [RECONCILER] GGA  revision d5e70935d84179ffdd80ac1a53ee8e15a7430b85

INFO [RECONCILER] Shim revision 

INFO [RECONCILER] Reading settings.ini from CWD: /home/lhx6355/ARM/morello_workspace
INFO [RECONCILER] Reading settings from settings.ini
INFO [RECONCILER] Reading settings.ini from CWD: /home/lhx6355/ARM/morello_workspace
INFO [RECONCILER] Reading settings from settings.ini
EGL extensions info:
Summary: Total(25), Supported(11), Ignored(14)
EGL_ANDROID_blob_cache EGL_ANDROID_native_fence_sync EGL_EXT_image_dma_buf_import EGL_EXT_image_dma_buf_import_modifiers EGL_KHR_create_context EGL_KHR_fence_sync EGL_KHR_gl_renderbuffer_image EGL_KHR_gl_texture_2D_image EGL_KHR_gl_texture_cubemap_image EGL_KHR_image_base EGL_KHR_wait_sync 
EGL_EXT_pixel_format_float EGL_KHR_cl_event2 EGL_KHR_config_attribs EGL_KHR_context_flush_control EGL_KHR_get_all_proc_addresses EGL_KHR_gl_colorspace EGL_KHR_gl_texture_3D_image EGL_KHR_no_config_context EGL_KHR_reusable_sync EGL_KHR_surfaceless_context EGL_MESA_configless_context EGL_MESA_drm_image EGL_MESA_image_dma_buf_export EGL_MESA_query_driver 
FATAL [RECONCILER] Could not retrieve host-side representation for either one of the objects: 
context [               1], display [      1101399248], draw surface [-5476110988564459376], read surface [-5476110988564459376]

eglMakeCurrent() will not be called on host-side!
INFO [RECONCILER] Reading settings.ini from CWD: /home/lhx6355/ARM/morello_workspace
INFO [RECONCILER] Reading settings from settings.ini
INFO [RECONCILER] Reading settings.ini from CWD: /home/lhx6355/ARM/morello_workspace
INFO [RECONCILER] Reading settings from settings.ini
FATAL [RECONCILER] Could not retrieve host-side representation for either one of the objects: 
context [               2], display [      1101399248], draw surface [-5476117288453107568], read surface [-5476117288453107568]

eglMakeCurrent() will not be called on host-side!
INFO [RECONCILER] Reading settings.ini from CWD: /home/lhx6355/ARM/morello_workspace
INFO [RECONCILER] Reading settings from settings.ini
INFO [RECONCILER] Reading settings.ini from CWD: /home/lhx6355/ARM/morello_workspace
INFO [RECONCILER] Reading settings from settings.ini
FATAL [RECONCILER] Could not retrieve host-side representation for either one of the objects: 
context [               3], display [      1101399248], draw surface [-5476115536018370416], read surface [-5476115536018370416]

eglMakeCurrent() will not be called on host-side!
INFO [RECONCILER] Reading settings.ini from CWD: /home/lhx6355/ARM/morello_workspace
INFO [RECONCILER] Reading settings from settings.ini
INFO [RECONCILER] Reading settings.ini from CWD: /home/lhx6355/ARM/morello_workspace
INFO [RECONCILER] Reading settings from settings.ini
FATAL [RECONCILER] Could not retrieve host-side representation for either one of the objects: 
context [               4], display [      1101399248], draw surface [-5476115026263633776], read surface [-5476115026263633776]

eglMakeCurrent() will not be called on host-side!
INFO [RECONCILER] Reading settings.ini from CWD: /home/lhx6355/ARM/morello_workspace
INFO [RECONCILER] Reading settings from settings.ini
INFO [RECONCILER] Reading settings.ini from CWD: /home/lhx6355/ARM/morello_workspace
INFO [RECONCILER] Reading settings from settings.ini
FATAL [RECONCILER] Could not retrieve host-side representation for either one of the objects: 
context [               5], display [      1101399248], draw surface [-5476126427979935600], read surface [-5476126427979935600]

eglMakeCurrent() will not be called on host-side!
INFO [RECONCILER] Reading settings.ini from CWD: /home/lhx6355/ARM/morello_workspace
INFO [RECONCILER] Reading settings from settings.ini
INFO [RECONCILER] Reading settings.ini from CWD: /home/lhx6355/ARM/morello_workspace
INFO [RECONCILER] Reading settings from settings.ini
FATAL [RECONCILER] Could not retrieve host-side representation for either one of the objects: 
context [               6], display [      1101399248], draw surface [-5476126344104341360], read surface [-5476126344104341360]

eglMakeCurrent() will not be called on host-side!
INFO [RECONCILER] Reading settings.ini from CWD: /home/lhx6355/ARM/morello_workspace
INFO [RECONCILER] Reading settings from settings.ini
INFO [RECONCILER] Reading settings.ini from CWD: /home/lhx6355/ARM/morello_workspace
INFO [RECONCILER] Reading settings from settings.ini
FATAL [RECONCILER] Could not retrieve host-side representation for either one of the objects: 
context [               7], display [      1101399248], draw surface [-5476116365202911088], read surface [-5476116365202911088]

eglMakeCurrent() will not be called on host-side!
INFO [RECONCILER] Reading settings.ini from CWD: /home/lhx6355/ARM/morello_workspace
INFO [RECONCILER] Reading settings from settings.ini
INFO [RECONCILER] Reading settings.ini from CWD: /home/lhx6355/ARM/morello_workspace
INFO [RECONCILER] Reading settings from settings.ini
FATAL [RECONCILER] Could not retrieve host-side representation for either one of the objects: 
context [               8], display [      1101399248], draw surface [-5476125149715459952], read surface [-5476125149715459952]

eglMakeCurrent() will not be called on host-side!

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