the eglInitialize() function fails on the wayland odroid xu3 latest r12p0 driver.
Here's how to reproduce the issue:
* start weston (using the drm backend) => it will get assigned to socket "wayland-0"
* from weston-terminal, start another weston instance (using the wayland backend) => it will get assigned to socket "wayland-1"
* in the second weston instance, start weston-simple-egl with WAYLAND_DISPLAY=wayland-0 => it will work and weston-simple-egl will run on the main weston instance
* in the second weston instance, start weston-simple-egl with WAYLAND_DISPLAY=wayland-1 => after binding the display, getting a correct screen, the code will fail at eglInitialize()
Is there any fix I can try?