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How to get Mali's data likes the number of shader core etc.

As the title says, I want to get some data from Mali, but I just found the way to get some common info by call GL10.glGetString. Is there a particular way to achieve it?

  • It's not possible via the run-time API query strings; we only return the hardware  product name, not the number of shader cores implemented. This is a deliberate design choice; the only reason to know is to indicate performance, and the core count is not an accurate indication of performance unless you also know the operating frequency and memory performance, which can vary largely form device to device and from silicon process to silicon process.

    If you are trying to characterize the performance of a device, we recommend instead running some form of install-time or load-time benchmarks which resemble the workload which your application will run. This is a much more effective and portable approach than coding values based on product names and core counts.

    If you just want to know "for interest", the information is normally available from the chipset manufacturer (e.g. chip datasheet, etc).


  • Hi Peter, thanks for your answer.

    As you say, I want to get Mali's shader core number for performance. I'm collecting some hardware configs to indicate which level (High/Medium/Low)  the device that my application is running on belongs to. I think the shader core number is one of important configs for Mali's GPU, and some CPU configs will be taken into account. The way to evaluate may be not accurate, but it's enough for me. It's a pity I can't get the data, I'll find another way or calculation model to achieve it.

    Thank you again! BTW, your The Mali GPU: An Abstarct Machine series is great!