Hi guys,
I'm trying to profile a GearVR application running on Unreal Engine v4.17 with Mali Graphics Debugger (4.7) integrated. I can connect to the MGD service on the device and receive data but it seems that the profiler doesn't detect the end of frame event and simply accumulates all the frames together under "Frame0".
Here's my setup:
When I try to run directly inside the GearVR HMD (with GearVR Developer Mode disabled) over TCP, the application will remain on a black screen and although I receive some small bits of data in the MGD desktop app, the app on device seems to remain stuck on the black screen with no frames being rendered. I have no idea why either.
I'm assuming the developer mode is causing MGD to get confused about the end of frame signal (as it's probably a different code path/pattern from the regular VR application running through the Oculus compositor/on device).
Any clue on what's going here? I can provide the full trace in a separate email/PM on request.
Thanks in advance for your help or insights,