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Need help in image compression library files

I'm a novice to image compression concept. A student trying to implement a simple image compression project that takes an uncompressed image as an input and gives back a compressed one as an output.
I'm using- libjpeg-turbo SIMD-accelerated libjpeg-compatible JPEG codec library.
I'm encountering a lot of errors like a few mentioned below-

Description    Resource    Path    Location    Type
undefined reference to `jconst_fancy_upsample_sse2'    jdsample.c    

Description    Resource    Path    Location    Type
undefined reference to `jconst_fdct_float_sse'    jcdctmgr.c    

Description    Resource    Path    Location    Type
undefined reference to `jconst_idct_red_sse2'    jddctmgr.c    

These errors in my knowledge are due to missing library files. Please guide me through this problem as to where can i get the relevant library files for JPEG compression. Your help in this regard can help me a lot to move further with my project.