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Not able to get display(EGL_NO_DISPLAY) while running Application for OpenVG1.1 in ARM MALI-400 r5p1

Hi Community,

I am trying to run application for openVG1.1 on ARM MALI-400 r5p1.
I have compiled the for X11 windowing system but it seems that It is not able to get the Display.




Code snippet:

int tkNewWindow(CT_AppRec *pMe, int x, int y, int width, int height ) 
    EGLint majorVersion, minorVersion; 

    pMe->native_display = XOpenDisplay(NULL); 
         printf("in tkNewWindow\n"); 
    pMe->native_window = XCreateSimpleWindow(pMe->native_display, RootWindow(pMe->native_display, DefaultScreen(pMe->native_display)), x, y, width, height, 2, WhitePixel(pMe->native_display,0), BlackPixel(pMe->native_display, 0)); 

    XMapWindow(pMe->native_display, pMe->native_window); 

    if ( !pMe->native_window ) { 
        FPRINTF(stderr, "%s", "Can't create windows.\n"); 
         printf("Cant create windows\n"); 
        return 0; 

    pMe->egl_display = eglGetDisplay(pMe->native_display); 

    if (!eglInitialize(pMe->egl_display, &majorVersion, &minorVersion)) { 
        FPRINTF(stderr, "%s", "eglInitialize failed.\n"); 
        XDestroyWindow(pMe->native_display, pMe->native_window); 
        return 0; 

    return 1; 

I am getting below error:

eglInitialize failed. at line: 17 and 19


Can anyone please suggest me how I can solve this issue?
